The timing of the father absence in the daughter’s life is said to not only be linked to teenage pregnancy, but obviously to young sexual promiscuity. According to the study early conduct problems and exposure to familial and ecological stressors predicted sexual activity in girls. Girls’ personality, environment, and lifestyle heightened the risk of teenage pregnancy.
A fatherly figure is a crucial factor to a strong nuclear family. Mothers, who were not intrinsically designed to fulfill the man’s role, usually date several men to find a suitable mate for her and her children. According to another study, the female child may, “learn” dating behavior earlier by mimicking their mothers.
Thus, girls’ early dating behavior can be traced to the father absence. Sadly, promiscuous behavior in fatherless girls also leads one to unstable emotional health.
There is a 2003 study of 700 girls that revealed those who grew up fatherless had the highest rates of both early sexual activity and adolescent pregnancy.
There is a 2003 study of 700 girls that revealed those who grew up fatherless had the highest rates of both early sexual activity and adolescent pregnancy. Those whose fathers left at a later age, and those whose fathers were presented followed behind accordingly. Correspondingly, a study measuring the factors related to sexual activity of adolescent girls, including age, race, and delinquency, found that father presence and participation was the only factor that “decreased the odds of engaging in sexual activity and none of the other family processes was found to be statistically significant.”
According to a critical study done by the Marriage and Religion Research Institute, known as MARRI, indicates that “a girl whose father leaves before she is five years old is eight times more likely to have an adolescent pregnancy than a girl whose father remains in her home.” Moreover, “African-American girls are 42 percent less likely to have sexual intercourse before age 18 if their biological father is present at home.”
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