All Events
Here you can see list of all the events which are happening in Zoe Ministries
If you are a part of the Master Prophet’s Blessing Plan #18, you can sign up for the 15-minute Prophetic Coaching with our Prophetic Coaches. If you are not a part of the blessing plan, you can register now by calling 888-831-0434
Register Yourself for Virtual Prophetic Mastermind # 18. The Registration is free for paid in full members of mastermind # 18
Join the Master Prophet E. Bernard Jordan and the company of prophets for the 24-Hour Prophetic Updates! Dial 515-604-9266! We will not stop until the pandemic is over!
Join us at 12 P.M. EST and 7 P.M. EST for Bible Study Wednesday/Sunday Worship on the Zoe Ministries Virtual Campus or on Zoom.