The “Fatherless Daughter Syndrome”, which is a source of emotional distress stemming from issues with trust and lack of self-esteem that leads to a cycle of repeated dysfunctional decisions in relationships with men.

The media calls it “daddy issue” but it’s actually the “Fatherless Daughter Syndrome”, which is a source of emotional distress stemming from issues with trust and lack of self-esteem that leads to a cycle of repeated dysfunctional decisions in relationships with men. If left unacknowledged, women can suffer this all their lives. Undoubtedly, a daughter whose loving dad passed away when she was 15 will be affected differently than a daughter whose father abandoned her when she was born. However, research do not usually account for the reasons for fatherlessness. Nevertheless, there is a void that fatherlessness that must be acknowledged and a wound that women need to heal from in order to move forward with genuine integrity in their lives.





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