As a community, they do not only read publicly the law to the people of Israel, they interpret it so that the congregation would know what it meant. Similar to our Sunday service where the pastor would give a message on God’s Word. In Deuteronomy, when the term “Levite” is mentioned, it refers to teaching priests, or those who functioned at the local level. The community must make sure that they take care of their local priest or the one who is teaching their community (Deut. 12:18–19; 14:27, 29; 16:11, 14; 26:11–12).




In the book of Deuteronomy, God expressed concern not only about formal worship, but also with how Israel relates to God in their daily living. When our desires are aligned with that of God’s, they can be put to use as the fuel of our worship. Syncing our desires to the desires of God is the root of healthy Christian living, which should encourage acts of sacrificial charity among all people groups — especially the vulnerable and marginalized in society (Deut. 12:12, 18). Nevertheless, God has a special command for the people to take care of the one who is spiritually tending to their needs.

When your desires are aligned with the Lord, you would also have the burden to take care of His priests. It won’t be an obligation. It won’t be hard for people to give. In fact, even in local churches, the church members find joy in giving to their pastors. Aside from the târumah, they even give them food, gifts, and other monetary blessings.

Israel’s gatherings and offering rituals are not stiff and gloomy. They are intended to be a joyous occasion, like a family festival. Moses told the Israelites that they are to rejoice because God has blessed the work of their hands, and so they can bring in an offering. Without God’s blessing, all our labor will be fruitless (Ps. 127:1); but those who serve him do not labor in vain (Ps. 90:17, 1 Cor. 15:58).49 When they obey the Lord, everything is aligned and operating in integrity. The desires of the heart are fulfilled in a meaningful and powerful way.



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