The Power is in the Appraisal  

The ability to say no begins with distinguishing between a good and a terrible option. So, how can we judge if a decision is good or bad? The first thing we must understand about making decisions is that no excellent decision ever comes from a hurried decision. It is critical to think about the topic and take note of the various perspectives on it. Thus, it is never a good idea to act rashly.

Our impulsive impulses make it tough to say “no” to temptation. Such impulsive behaviors are deeply embedded in our emotional brains. This emotional brain is essentially the more primitive part of our brain. It is known as the limbic brain. The emotional, limbic brain is the first to respond to every given event. In other words, we are hardwired to react emotionally to situations. This is why, when we are overcome with emotion, we can “flip out.” We find ourselves regretting our conduct before we realize it. Why? Because we’ve given up control. Our emotional limbic brain has taken over.

Take Your Time to Count the Cost

Amid an impulsive propensity, we must control the emotional limbic brain. This is accomplished by stimulating the prefrontal cortex of our brain. This is what we mean when we say that “the power is in the appraisal.” We gain power when we let the reasoning side of our brain examine the circumstance rather than simply allowing the emotional brain to compulsively and impulsively decide for us. lxi

Assume you come across a food that you genuinely enjoy. Your emotional limbic brain is likely to agree. You must, however, first allow your reasonable, thinking prefrontal brain to appraise the circumstance. Allow it to inquire, “Will this be good for me?” “Will this be acceptable to God?” “Will this be something I regret the next day?” “Is this something that will benefit me in the long run rather than just now?” We stimulate the reasoning function of our brain when we ask such inquiries. We gain the ability to say no in this way.


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