Making the Best Decisions

Saying no is crucial because it allows us to make the best decisions in life. However, as we all know, wrong choices can lead to sin and death. We feel death not only in the literal sense but also in all aspects of our lives—the end of our relationships, dreams, and spiritual life with God.

Our entire existence is made up of decisions that we must make.  To live a God-honoring life, we must learn how to make the proper decisions and harness the power to say no to sin and temptation.

Saying “No” gives us authority.

Saying “yes” is frequently the easier option. On the other hand, saying “no,” especially when everyone else is saying “yes,” is thus a show of bravery and strength. Because saying “no” frequently implies sacrificing something, being hurt, or passing up an opportunity, it is only when we deny a temptation that we may demonstrate courage, perseverance, and faith. To be willing to say “no,” especially when it is challenging, indicates that we believe God will keep His promise; that despite the agony of sacrifice, the experience of being harmed, or missing out on an opportunity, all things will work together for good.

Saying “No” is an Ability

Many individuals are unaware that saying no is a skill that can be mastered. Yes, it can be challenging, but it doesn’t make it impossible. It is not something that comes naturally—at first. However, once a habit is established, it gets simpler to say no to things that were previously difficult to resist.


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