The Office of the Prophet receives the greatest anointing, authority, and responsibility in the realm of the prophetic. The prophet has a stronger utterance in the spirit. The prophet in the office has a strong connection with the Holy Spirit, as a product of the prophet’s experience in the gift and ministry. This office has the grace of God needed to go beyond the realm of edification, exhortation, and comfort. In fact, this office is a gift extension of

Christ himself as the Prophet.


The Office of the Prophet is anointed and authorized by the Holy Spirit to operate in a higher spiritual realm. This anointing and authority is not always with someone with the gift of prophecy or the spirit of prophecy. The prophetic ministry can get controversial

because it deals with so much truth. The office of the prophet oversees this ministry to make sure everything is centered on God.


Moreover, the anointing of a particular Office of the Prophet may differ from prophet to prophet. The reason is because we are blessed with unique gifts and we have an irreplaceable role to play; e.g. sometimes the prophet is also anointed in the gift of the actual administration of the gift. Some prophets are stronger in certain areas than others.

Think about this. Do you know that John the Baptist did no miracles and yet was considered a great prophet? Elijah and Elisha were able to raise the dead. Daniel was a young man in a foreign king’s palace who was academically excellent and was also gifted in the area of visions and dreams. Ezekiel also saw visions. These prophets in the Bible had different administrations. Some individuals were focused on delivering people from their sins through a prophetic word, while others in the area of discernment.


Studying the Word of God is about equipping yourself to live out in practical ways the standard of the Bible. Archbishop Jordan’s book, THE SPIRITUAL LANGUAGE OF MONEY —  now available exclusively via the Book of the Month Club.


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Has any leader in the faith or in the prophetic ministry identified the gift of prophecy in you?