We can say with an evolved mind, Come close, “idea of money,” that I might feel thee. Everything I feel, the Father expresses in my life. Your seed creates the next season of your increase. Reverend Ike taught that you must take your feeling from a present condition and give to it a new condition. Jacob represented a new condition. When you understand Esau and Jacob, you see that they are two sides of the self. You have to decide whether you’re going to be the side that will try to make your miracle happen in your flesh (by doing work), or will you go inside and feel it into being?
What is the new condition you need for your current season of your life? How do you
need the circumstance to change? What needs to grow in you? How can you increase? Cancel the feeling of the present condition in order for you to move into a new condition. If you like the condition you are in, then it is acceptable for you to nourish and to protect this condition.
Your future will be shaped by the present emotions. If you feel poor and in lack right now, guess what tomorrow will be like? On the other hand, if you feel rich and prosperous right now, regardless of the current situation, then your future will be wealthy and prosperous.
Be a part of this group: Experience the Power of Prophecy as a gift to open your mind to receive the Mind of Christ.
If you future will be shaped by present emotions, what must you change in your mood today?