“I absolutely believe in the power of tithing and giving back. My own experience about all the blessings I’ve had in my life is that the more I give away, the more that comes back. That is the way life works, and that is the way energy works.” -Ken Blanchard
Have you ever been asked to pay for something that you do not know why you have to or what is it for? If yes, how does it feel? Does this feel well or are you doubtful?
Will you still give even if you are uncertain why you have to give? Are you going to give even if you do not know where your money goes after? Will you be able to give the right amount if what is asked is not specific?
For example, the bank informed you that they would sue you if you are not able to pay ten percent of your debt within a certain period of time. What will you do? Surely, you will pay for it. Why? This is because you understand the necessity of it. In other words, you know why and when you have to pay the bank and in what amount.
We Must First Know in Our Hearts Why We Have to Give
It is applicable in tithing. More than knowing our abilities to give, we must first know in our hearts why we have to give. Tithing without knowing is the reason why some people do not tithe in integrity.
If God said that we ought to return just any amount we want to give, then how much are you willing to give?
If a tithe is not supposed to be ten percent, then how much will you give? Is it higher, equal or lesser than ten percent? Think about if God is not specific with the instructions regarding our tithe, how will you manage to give your own tithes?
When we do not know the purpose of a thing, we will also not know how to use it wisely or properly. Therefore, we need to have the proper knowledge on giving our tithes, for it is necessary for us to tithe righteously.
We Tithe Because We Give to God What Is God’s
There are so many Scriptures that we can refer to regarding our tithes and how it is to be given and used. However, let me point out just one Scripture why we are to give. We ought to give to God what is God’s, as Jesus said so.
We do not own anything in this world. All of us have something because God has given it to us. But, the tenth of what He has given us must be returned, for it is His.
Think about it carefully. God owns everything, but He did not ask us to give everything back to Him. He owns the 100%, yet He gave us the freedom to own the 90% and asked only for the tenth to be returned.
To give our tithes, we must understand the fact that we are giving it simply because we do not own it. Our tithes are God’s property and not ours. Moreover, to tithe in integrity is to know that we have to give back wholly and completely what is God’s.