Satan attacks the family today as he attacked the first family in the Garden of Eden by attacking the head of the family — the father. In Genesis 3, Satan attacked Adam as the head and defender of the family by going directly to Eve. Satan was not mistaken in going to Eve. He was not uninformed of who the head of the family was. He intentionally bypassed Adam’s authority so that sin can creep into the family. When there is rebellion against God-ordained authority, brokenness is soon to follow. Satan divided the family through Eve’s rebellion, and the family fell. Ultimately, it was Adam’s fall that caused humanity to live in sin. After they sinned, they hid in the garden. God came to the garden looking for the man — not the woman. Genesis 3 is an account that shows how God held the man — the leader — accountable for sin in the family.
Satan wants families to be kicked out of the destinies that they have in Christ, just like the first family was kicked out of the garden because of sin.
Satan is using the same strategy today. He wants fathers to mess up. Satan wants fathers to drop the ball on the fall so that it would operate in sin. Satan wants families to be kicked out of the destinies that they have in Christ, just like the first family was kicked out of the garden because of sin. As statistics from the U.S. Census Bureau reveal, one in three children do not live with their biological fathers — that means some 24 million children are fatherless. Sadly, the hardest hit seems to be for African-American children — with about 57% of the children live apart from their father. As the adage says, when the family goes, society goes.
Research reveals the work of Satan. Children living without their biological fathers are four times more likely to live in poverty, twice more likely to be obese, and seven-times more likely to experience teenage pregnancy. Moreover, they are more likely to be abused, to commit crime, to have behavior problems, and to abuse drugs or alcohol. The blow of fatherlessness is brutal, and Satan knew this from the very start.
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