One of the things that cause miscoordination is the lack of proper communication. Communication is needed for everything we find ourselves involved in. When there are two or more people who engage in a particular venture, proper communication will determine whether or not the project will succeed.

When communication is unclear or lacking clarity, people will not know what is expected of them and so they will work in a way that may not bring success to the entire team.

Communication helps to strengthen relationships, build bonds, and also to build trust among people. Without communication, the progress of the project might come to a halt. When communication is unclear or lacking clarity, people will not know what is expected of them and so they will work in a way that may not bring success to the entire team.

We can find a good example of a lack of proper communication when the people were trying to build the Tower of Babel. In the story as recorded in the bible, the men of that time found a particular land that looked so good for a building. Immediately, they conceived a vision to build a city and a tower that could reach the heavens. Scripture records, “And they said, Go to, let us build us a city and a tower, whose top may reach unto heaven; and let us make us a name, lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth” (Gen. 11:4,KJV).

This was a grand vision and they were really inspired to get going with the project. Though they were in a place where they had little resources, they were able to make the most of whatever they found around them to commence the building of this tower and city.

It appears they were making good progress because God Himself took knowledge of them that what they were engaged in was going to eventually succeed.

It appears they were making good progress because God Himself took knowledge of them that what they were engaged in was going to eventually succeed. Scripture records, “And the Lord said, Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language; and this they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do” (Gen. 11:6, KJV).

God realized that the people were of one mind and spoke the same language (and when there is unity, people can achieve anything). Rather than destroying what they were laboring to build, God decided to confuse their language. In other words, He distorted their communication. Though they had a big dream and vision to build a city and the tower, without proper communication they could not proceed. When the people realized that they could not understand one another, they abandoned the project and decided to spread to other places on the earth.

So, whether it is a construction project, a family-based program, or simply leading people, proper communication is needed to achieve success.

When you listen to the wrong party, there’s bound to be distrust eventually. For instance, when Adam and Eve were in the garden, the enemy came and began to sow the seeds of doubt in their minds.

Adam and his wife began to doubt what God had said to them. Distrust began to settle in their hearts just because they listened to the wrong person. This is why the character of a person matters much more than his skills and competence. In an organization that recruits people, care must be taken to ensure that the person being recruited will not sow the wrong seeds into the minds of people as they relate with one another. The enemy came and sowed evil thoughts into the mind of Eve, and that led to the fall of man eventually.

The intention of God for His people is to unite us and to bring us to the state of oneness.

The enemy is still using the same old tricks today. Whenever things may be going well for a family, church, or organization, he sends his agents to distort the peace and progress they may be enjoying. This is why it is important to discern the works of darkness and promptly resist everything the devil may be planning against us. We are expected to be vigilant and watchful.

The intention of God for His people is to unite us and to bring us to the state of oneness. Presently, as humans, we are divided along many lines. There is racism, gender battles, wars, ethnic centrism, amongst other vices that plague us as humans. In the midst of all these, God wants us to be united as one through His Son, Jesus Christ.


Experience the Power of Prophecy as a gift to open your mind to receive the Mind of Christ.