The prophets in the marketplace are placed with this inquiry: “What are you doing to close the spiritual gap in the marketplace?” What does this spiritual gap pertain to? This spiritual gap is distinguished by the absence of God’s message in the marketplace. Slowly, Jesus is being pushed out of the picture in the marketplace. Public schools do not tackle Christianity because they do not want to influence students to turn to one religion over another.

When you use God-given gifts to close the spiritual gap in society, God blesses you. When you offer your life up as a sacrifice to God, God takes care of your needs. Oftentimes, you may think that your gifts provide for your needs. You work and you use whatever skills and talents God has given you. You think your talents have put food on your table.

Your gifts are not primarily there to provide for you. Their main purpose is for you to glorify God in the marketplace. Initially, people cannot understand God because their spiritual eyes are not opened, but they can relate to your gifts. People can only see God when you use your gifts; that seems to be natural in them, because the world needs something they can experience and see for them to see God. They need something more tangible to be able to see God. They need proof.

The Pharaoh had a gap; Joseph had a gift. The gift met the gap. The kingdom of Egypt became the kingdom of God. King Artaxerxes had a gap; Queen Esther had a gift. The kingdom of Artaxerxes became the kingdom of God. Darius had a gap; Daniel had a gift. Babylon became a Kingdom of God.

Do you see the pattern? This is what God is still doing up to this day? What is your gift? What gap must you meet? How can you meet the gap in your workplace? How can you turn your industry into God’s industry? How can you win that industry for the Lord?

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What is the GAP you are meeting in your marketplace?