The Office of the Apostle is primarily responsible for delegating leaders and imparting gifts to people whom God is calling them to appoint. Apostles have the capacity to see other apostles who do not know they are apostles yet. Thus, they are tasked to call

out these apostles. They see other people who are called into the fivefold ministries and call them out as well. The apostles, more than those who hold office in the other four of the fivefold ministries, are able to call out people into office. The apostles also call out and appoint leaders in the local church. They set other ministries in place in the local church. They have high spiritual authorities in their church movements.

Apostolic team members of a church movement are able to impart spiritual gifts to other fivefold ministries to be able to do the  calling. In Romans 1:11, Paul expressed his desire to see this church because he wanted to impart some spiritual gifts to this congregation to make them strong.The apostles can also direct, correct, discipline, and rebuke.


They are also authorized to tear down and build up for the sake of protecting the integrity of God’s Word and the church.See, today I appoint you over nations and over kingdoms, to pluck up and to pull down, to destroy and to overthrow, to build and to plant.”

(Jeremiah 1:10)


Has the apostolic team of your church identified you for any leadership position?


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