Do unto others what you have them do unto you – the Golden Rule says. As we spend time with people in our group, community or society, we would not always have the same insights and perspective on things. As Werner Erhard had put it, if you put a bunch of human beings together, it becomes a massive amount of chaos and complexity (Erhard, 2006).

We should understand this premise for us not to fall into the trap of hating each other. It is wise to see others as you see yourself, as you love others as you love yourself (1 John 3:23). This is God’s commandment to us after all. It never fails to see others in the eyes of God. Cultivating understanding, kindness, compassion – love in us is a long-forgotten thing in this century. To be exact, it was said that this generation we are living in is the “Me” generation. There is nothing wrong with caring for the individual self. But, care for it should result to caring for others as well.

But by the Grace of God I am what I am, and His Grace to me was not without effect (Ephesians 15:10). We are people who experience a lot of things. Most of the things that happen to us are out of our control. But, to look at it, our response also play a vital role in our lives. Acceptance is the key. There are some things or conditions in life that we cannot change. But, we can change our outlook by looking at things in a different light. As we begin to accept ourselves as we are – we begin to see the things life is openly teaching us.

Accept yourself in this moment and recommit, if you choose, to change and learning. You can forgive yourself fully. Let blame and remorse go. They are not useful (Budd & Rothestein, 2000, p. 120). Learn from your past mistakes and let yourself be transformed more into the destiny you were made for. As we begin to accept ourselves, it will be easier to accept others as well – and to understand them.

What are you making happen consciously – in yourself, in your relationships, and in your organization? Consider this your call to consciousness. Consider this a wake-up call, a call to consciousness in all you do. This consciousness will be the basis for a new understanding of how you create the world around you. And it will serve as a basis for transforming to something much more powerful and meaningful (Hacker & Roberts, 2004).



Studying the Word of God is about equipping yourself to live out in practical ways the standard of the Bible. Archbishop Jordan’s book, The Group: Space for Transformation is now available exclusively via the Book of the Month Club.

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What can you do to turn around this “me” generation?