We must not let go of our faith because of the circumstances and everyday tasks that lay before us.


There will be many needs, challenges, and problems that we will encounter in this life, but what will give us the greatest joy is our relationship with God. What will bring the needed solutions to the many things we are concerned about is the wisdom that the Holy Spirit can pour into our lives. We must not let go of our faith because of the circumstances and everyday tasks that lay before us. God is able to provide the strength, courage, faith, and blessings to help us reach our destinations in life.

Whether we accept it or not, regeneration did not eradicate the old nature from us. It’s still in us kicking and screaming to impose its wants. Even St. Paul understands this when he wrote to the Christians in Rome,

I know that God’s standards are spiritual, but I have a corrupt nature, sold as a slave to sin. I don’t realize what I’m doing. I don’t do what I want to do. Instead, I do what I hate. I don’t do what I want to do, but I agree that God’s standards are good. So I am no longer the one who is doing the things I hate, but sin that lives in me is doing them. I know that nothing good lives in me; that is, nothing good lives in my corrupt nature. Although I have the desire to do what is right, I don’t do it. I don’t do the good I want to do. Instead, I do the evil that I don’t want to do. (Romans 7:14-19)

Every Christian then is experiencing a civil war within them. Psychologists may describe Paul’s struggle as merely psychological, but for us who understand human nature based on divine revelation, we know that this is a spiritual warfare against the nature and principle sin.

The center-foundation of Christianity is the Cross. Thus, God completely understands the condition of His children. He is not expecting perfection from them, but humility and patient obedience.

Christianity, as long as it is here on earth, is not a religion of perfection but of redemption. The center-foundation of Christianity is the Cross. Thus, God completely understands the condition of His children. He is not expecting perfection from them, but humility and patient obedience. Our struggle against sin certainly is not always on top. Experientially speaking, we are not always on the side of obedience. Sometimes, we find ourselves enjoying the very sin that we hate. God understands this and yet He is expecting us to immediately confess our sins with sincerity and contrition. Perhaps this is the way by which we can destroy the stronghold of sins in our lives.


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