God set a model for fathers.

Healthy fatherhood relationship models and describes the characteristics of God. The destruction of the templates God placed for us to understand Him thus destroys our view of God’s personhood. God exists in a constant relationship. Over and over, in Scripture, we find this to be the very essence of who God is. According to Dr. Paul Vitz, there is psychological importance of fatherhood in relationship to faith as individuals.

Likewise, the defective father and insecure attachment hypotheses are taken together postulate that whatever might weaken or harm a child’s relationship with his father or parents will, in general, predispose the child in adulthood to atheism or unbelief spiritualist beliefs without a personal God.

In the Old Testament, we see the first reference is to the fatherless as the orphan, which is found in the earliest law code of ancient Israel — the Covenant Code (Exo. 21-24). The Lord passionately desired the protection of the orphan.

The Lord commands us,

“Do not take advantage of a widow or an orphan. If you do and they cry out to me, I will certainly hear their cry. My anger will be aroused, and I will kill you with the sword; your wives will become widows and your children fatherless” (Exo. 22:22).

The benefit of having a father in the Jewish society is having someone who would genuinely look after your welfare in all aspects.

Protecting the weak

What kind of world do we live in wherein God HAD TO command people to protect the poor and the widow? Shouldn’t human compassion naturally drive society to take care of its desolate? Nevertheless, in the sinfulness of humanity, God saw how people would neglect or overlook the needs of the poor when they are concerned about their welfare.

Meanwhile, the benefit of having a father in the Jewish society is having someone who would genuinely look after your welfare in all aspects. The same is true for any community.

The desolate lacks this comfort and protection.

Certainly, the Bible also described Israel an orphan. Yahweh adopted this fatherless nation (Exo. 4:22). In the same vein, Ezekiel described Israel as an infant.  After that, it was abandoned to die by its parents.

Yahweh had mercy and adopted her into his family (Exo. 4:16). If Yahweh judged the people, it was as if they had become orphans without a father (Lam. 5:3).

However, they had at the same time hope for salvation, for, in Yahweh, the fatherless would find compassion (Hos. 14:4).

In the New Testament, there are only two references to orphans. James 1:27 emphasized the Old Testament command. The passage tells us that the essence of true religion is to look after orphans and widows in their distress. Helping the helpless is at the core of what it means to be a believer.

It’s the Holy Spirit that allows believers to call out to God, “Abba, Father” (Rom. 8:15).



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