What is a blessing, and why do we want a blessing to find dwelling in our lives? Why do we desire for the blessing? A blessing can be defined as a gift or an expression of well-being of another. When it comes to divine blessings, it becomes an act of favor of the one being blessed.76 Usually, blessings are a reward for obedience. In Ephesians 1:7-14, Paul listed divine blessings in an attempt for our minds to grasp what being blessed means.

Paul talked about blessings in the context of redemption and forgiveness (Ephesians 1:7).77 Redemption is about being released and brought about with a price. In the Old Testament, there were numerous cases when the Lord redeems Israel from bondage. Redemption also comes with a forgiveness of sins. Israelites can be such an idolatrous people, but God forgives and He calls them as His own again.


The benefits of belonging to God is another level of blessing in itself. The measure of blessing we have is according to the riches of His grace (Eph 1: 7). God’s blessings are in proportion to the abundance of His treasures — which is unlimited. He does not give in stingy fashion but with unbounded liberality. If redemption were according to the measure of man’s merit, there would be no redemption. There would be no blessings. No one would deserve it. Having said that, who can measure the wealth of God’s grace?

In Deuteronomy 28:1-14, we are given an extensive list of blessings that comes from obeying the Lord.

Blessings included fertility and rain.78 People who obeyed were protected from sickness. They also enjoyed military protection. They were protected from the conquest of cruel foreigners. Those who obey are exalted by the Lord. They are blessed everywhere they go, because the blessings of the Lord remain with them. Their baskets are always filled. The children of obedient people are also blessed. There is abundance. There is favor. The Lord sets apart for Himself those He blesses. Businesses prosper because people obey the Lord. Instead of famine and disaster, there is fruitfulness and peace in the house of the One the Lord blesses. We want blessings to dwell with us, because we’ll get the kind of life we desire.


King Solomon describes this kind of life in this verse below:

10 Then your storerooms will be so full they can’t hold everything.

Your huge jars will spill over with fresh wine. (Proverbs 3:10)



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