Isaiah 55:11 (NRSV) states, So shall my word be that goes out from my mouth; it shall not return to me empty, but it shall accomplish that which I purpose and succeed in the thing for which I sent it.” This verse emphasizes the transformative power of language and intention. Are you ready to turn life’s challenges into sparkling diamonds of opportunity? With insights from “The 10 Commandments of the Consciousness of Success,” I will show you how to unleash the power of free written prophecy to turn pressure into diamonds. The power of prophecy is all over your life when you begin to activate what God calls you to do.

I have discovered profound insights and practical advice for navigating life’s challenges and accepting pressure as a source of growth. The concept of success consciousness, or being aware of our ability to succeed in all aspects of life, is central to this transformation. This awareness is developed through continuous self-reflection, goal setting, and positive thinking.

When you complete the form on, you will have the unique opportunity to receive a free written prophecy. This personalized prophecy can serve as a guide during times of uncertainty and confusion. It, like a mentor, helps you see the potential to rise above and prosper despite rejection. Humans can transform under life’s inevitable stresses, just as coal does under pressure to form diamonds.

I have learned that “when you reject the pressure, you abort our ability to form diamonds.” Accepting challenges and pressures is essential for personal development and success. This concept is beautifully illustrated by Jesus’ acceptance of divine will in the Garden of Gethsemane, when he said, “Not my will, nevertheless, but let thy will be done.” True transformation and success result from this profound acceptance of purpose in the face of pressure.

The personal prophecy you receive will offer spiritual guidance and connect you with a more profound sense of purpose. It will remind you that each challenge is a stepping stone to greater heights. Understanding and harnessing the power of success consciousness can significantly alter your life’s path towards positive outcomes. For example, success consciousness necessitates ongoing effort and self-discipline, both of which are essential for overcoming obstacles and achieving goals.

Every challenge in life can be viewed as an opportunity to learn and grow. If you develop a success mindset, you become better equipped to deal with life’s pressures and turn them into opportunities. This transformation is analogous to turning coal into diamonds—a process that requires high pressure but yields something valuable. The principles outlined in “The 10 Commandments of the Consciousness of Success” lay the groundwork for this transformation.

Do not pass up the opportunity to enhance your spiritual journey and personal growth. Download the ebook now and request a free written prophecy to begin walking your path, adorned with diamonds of divine wisdom and power. Accept the pressure, overcome your challenges, and shine brightly as the diamond you were born to be.

 I realize that “what you think up and what you can think down.” Your prophecy will give you guidance in life. Watch the video “Marital Union of Thought” and tell me what you think. Accept the principles of success consciousness and unleash the power of free written prophecy to turn stress into diamonds.


Download the E-Book 10 Commandments of the Consciousness of Success and Receive your Free Personal Prophecy