But God… 

Because of our sinful and wretched nature, we have been separated from God. This separation, however, is not a permanent one. Because of God’s great love for us, He was the one who made way for us to be reconciled back to Him. Paul’s letter to the Ephesians explains that we were all once dead in our sins. Because of this, it created in us passions, which we needed to fulfill; it started in us worldly cravings that we need to satisfy. “But God,” Paul writes, “being rich in mercy… made us alive together with Christ” (Eph. 2:4-5). In other words, because of God’s great love for us, He reconciled us to a life with Him and for Him through His Son, Jesus. We have, thus, been saved by grace. We have been dedicated to our distorted cravings for healthy, God-directed desires.  

The truth that we must understand is this. The eternity in our hearts created a deep longing for “more.” The sin in us made our desires insatiable, to the point of building in us distorted desires. However, God’s gift of reconciliation through Jesus Christ has created in us a longing and craving for Him. The wishes that Satan sowed in our hearts have been reversed and redirected to God by God. It is because of God and through God that we are thus able to crave for Him. Because we have been created to belong to God, we have the capacity to long, yearn, and crave God and the things of God.  

We Belong to God, and He Belongs to Us  

God had a master plan. Yes, the Enemy tried to snatch us away from God, but God did not give up. He continued to pursue us. He made way for us to be reconciled back to Him. The master plan was to send His only Son, Jesus Christ, to save us from our sins, and reconcile us back to Him.  

Our faith in Jesus Christ has joined us to him. To believe in Jesus as our Lord and Savior are to be united with God. Jesus Christ became the way for us to have access to God the Father. Jesus has fulfilled God’s original plan for us to belong to Him and He to belong to us.  

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