God and Families

The last prophecy of the Old Testament concerning the status of the family is in Malachi 4:5-6: 

5 Lo, I will send you the prophet Elijah before the great and terrible day of the Lord comes. 6 He will turn the hearts of parents to their children and the hearts of children to their parents so that I will not come and strike the land with a curse. 

God’s Promise

God promised to turn the hearts of parents toward their children and the hearts of children toward their parents in preparation for the New Heaven and New Earth. The Lord is speaking of family restoration before judgment day. God desires to unite parents and children spiritually. Because a future vision is based on family worship, We must revive family worship in the home even before this time.

The prophetic word is about God’s repentance and restoration, as it is in our return to the faith of our spiritual forefathers. Malachi delivered a prophecy about repentance and restoration to God. Hear transformation is all about a profound heart transformation and conversion that surpasses any signs and wonders that anyone can perform.

A Revival for Relationships

There would be true revival and heartfelt conversions in preparation for Jesus Christ’s Second Coming in the sky in the last days. There is an unmistakable call for fathers to lead the way back to true God-worship. Unfortunately, our generation is mostly “fatherless,” which is due to the intensifying and harvesting of the curse of sin. Fathers must command and maintain their children’s obedience lovingly while not inciting them to wrath (Eph. 6:1-4).

The generational curse of fatherlessness has become so common for many of us that we no longer notice it because of our distorted view of reality. Men must be willing to say, “I will not let my children grow up spiritual captives, and I will take the necessary steps to ensure that this does not happen,” or generational curses will continue for hundreds of generations.

This challenge is for you, men! Take your place, obey the Lord, and accept His appointment as the head of your household! If you have deserted, repent and beg forgiveness from your wife and children. Reconcile with them and lead your family into God’s full provision for them.

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