Do you know that these four keys appeared again in Revelation? The same keys the prophet Habakkuk used to receive a vision from God, John also used. In The Hebrew term “Târumah” (ּתרוּ ָמה ְ [târuwmah or târumah), pronounced as ter·oo·maw is translated as “offering” appears 51 times, “oblation” 19 times, “heave” four times, “gifts” once, and “offered” once.1 There is an interesting correlation between how this single word is translated into different scriptures and it gives us a hint as to how important this concept is to the Lord. Târumah is a heave offering; it is a contribution of the believer to the ministry of God.
Târumah serves as a call for the Israelites to bring to God what we understand as “gifts”. In Scripture we read, “The Lord said to Moses: Tell the Israelites to take for me an offering; from all whose hearts prompt them to give you shall receive the offering for me” (Exodus 25:1-2). In The Torah: A Modern Commentary, it reads like this, “you shall accept gifts for Me from every person whose heart is so moved”. God uses His people to bless His ministers. It is because of God’s grace and will that the members of the Body of Christ bless His front liners in the ministry. It’s not because of the church member’s own generosity and wealth.
The Hebrew term “Târumah” (ּתרוּ ָמה ְ [târuwmah or târumah), pronounced as ter·oo·maw is translated as “offering” appears 51 times, “oblation” 19 times, “heave” four times, “gifts” once, and “offered” once.1 There is an interesting correlation between how this single word is translated into different scriptures and it gives us a hint as to how important this concept is to the Lord. Târumah is a heave offering; it is a contribution of the believer to the ministry of God.
Târumah serves as a call for the Israelites to bring to God what we understand as “gifts”. In Scripture we read, “The Lord said to Moses: Tell the Israelites to take for me an offering; from all whose hearts prompt them to give you shall receive the offering for me” (Exodus 25:1-2). In The Torah: A Modern Commentary, it reads like this, “you shall accept gifts for Me from every person whose heart is so moved”. God uses His people to bless His ministers. It is because of God’s grace and will that the members of the Body of Christ bless His front liners in the ministry. It’s not because of the church member’s own generosity and wealth.
Experience the Power of Prophecy as a gift to open your mind to receive the Mind of Christ.