Financial Impact of Fatherlessness
Society should also consider the financial factor. Most single parents want the best for their children despite the circumstances. Although there are an increasing number of single-parent homes in the U.S., the effects can often be long-term for kids in the care of a single mother or father. Most single parents work long hours to meet the family’s financial needs. It is necessary to run the household and raise the children. There may be chances when you have to deny your kids their requirements, and you may have to juggle repeatedly between financial commitments. Your child may thus not be able to take the opportunities he always dreamt of due to financial concerns.
Parenting and Single Parenthood
It may be hard to maintain discipline in the home as a single parent will be the only disciplinarian, which can give rise to behavioral problems in children. You may feel intense sorrow when your child envies pals who live with both parents. Making new relationships are complicated, especially when your little one is jealous or suspicious.
A single mother may attach to her children so severely for company and support that it makes it difficult for the child to leave the house. The various responsibilities of child-raising, housework, and earning will not give the parent enough time for themselves. It moreover results in adding stress, fatigue, and pressure. The income is small, providing less access to child health care.
The Bible teaches that husbands/fathers are to be the spiritual leaders in the home (Deut.6; Ps. 78:1–8; Eph. 5:21–33; 6:4), yet husbands/fathers are becoming increasingly rare in the twenty-first-century culture of divorce-on-demand and unwed births. The modern concept of volitional fatherless families is absent from the NT. This fact is evident in the term ãïíåýò (“parents”). This term is never singular in the Greek NT—as in a singular “parent.” It is always, without exception, rendered in the plural: “Parents.”
Today, children are being raised by secular daycares, after-school programs, and often by grandparents, rather than by fathers and mothers teaching them the fear of the LORD (Deut. 6:2; Ps. 34:11; Prov. 1:7). How do these disturbing trends affect God’s church?
Typically, fatherlessness has been handled in a defensive, transitionary manner through ministries such as divorce care after the damage has been done and the family fractured. Divorce care ministries may offer help for divorced adults, but what proactive measures to keep families together before separation occurs? What of the hurt and abandonment felt by children caught in the middle of a divorce? Buchanan and Chamberlain note eight common reactions of children to divorce: 1) being physically ill; 2) feeling guilty; 3) not caring; 4) pretending all is well; 5) hoping for a rematch; 6) being confused; 7) hating the parent who has custody; and finally, 8) hating the departing parent.
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