In order to listen properly, you have to ensure that you give the person your full concentration and attention. You cannot be doing three things at the same time as listening and expect to get the best of what the person is saying. Listening requires focus, attention, and concentration. Those who multi-task too much end up missing important details they were meant to get in the first place.

One of the disadvantages of poor listening is that you miss out on important details of the conversation or whatever the person is trying to communicate. At a time in the Bible, Jesus took three of his disciples (Peter, James, and John) to the top of the mountain so he could reveal more of himself to them. As he stood there and prayed, his countenance changed, his clothes became white and shiny and at the end Elijah and Moses appeared to them. While there, Peter became anxious and afraid. He then asked that they build booths where they could reside. Later on, the voice of God came and told him to rather listen to the Son of God instead of trying to build booths for them. This proves that God is more interested in us receiving from Him via listening than all the activities we may pride ourselves in.

When we listen to God, we are able to get exactly what He wants. 


When we listen to God, we are able to get exactly what He wants. We are able to please Him and to do what He expects of us and not what we think. For instance, Martha and Mary were in the same house with Jesus at one time. Mary sat at the feet of Jesus and learned from him. But Martha, on the other hand, was so busy serving. She wanted to please the master, but Jesus wanted her to listen to him just like her sister was doing.

The priority here was on listening to Jesus and not being engaged in much activities. When you are actively listening, you are able to understand what the speaker is saying, ask leading and relevant questions, etc. But when you are distracted by many things, you won’t be able to get the salient points being communicated and you won’t even be able to ask relevant questions.

When you are actively listening, you are able to understand what the speaker is saying, ask leading and relevant questions, etc. But when you are distracted by many things, you won’t be able to get the salient points being communicated and you won’t even be able to ask relevant questions.

There are several men and women God spoke to in the scriptures whose lives were dramatically changed. Their lives did not just change because God spoke to them, their lives changed because they responded to the call of God on their lives. One of such men was Abraham. He was a simple man with a family and still stayed in his father’s house when God called him out to a place where he was going to show him.

As a proof of his faith and belief in God, he set out and began this journey that literally altered the course of his life forever. We are still sharing his story today. Several times during his walk with God, he built altars where he communicated with God and renewed His covenant with him at different times all through his lifetime. Despite the fact that they were barren, he was strong in faith and gave glory to God while he waited for the great promise God gave him. He did not waver or shake. In the end, God gave him Isaac who became his heir.

We also have the man named Enoch. He was the son of Methuselah. He lived to be 365 years on earth before he was taken to heaven by God. He had a testimony that he walked with God. It then got to the point where God had to take him to heaven. His intimacy with God was second to none.

Talking and listening to God is a very vital requirement for our journey of faith here on earth. We need to receive God’s word daily just as the children of Israel received manna from heaven on a daily basis.

Talking and listening to God is a very vital requirement for our journey of faith here on earth. We need to receive God’s word daily just as the children of Israel received manna from heaven on a daily basis. God’s word is our food, it is our medicine, it is what sustains us. Jesus said man shall not live by bread alone but by every word of God.[iii] This proves that God’s word is something that we cannot do without. So, as we daily spend time with God, He breathes upon His word and this is what causes us to grow and to soar in life. When we talk to God, He also responds. Scripture says, “Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and show thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not” (Jer. 33:3, KJV). This scripture proves that whenever we call on God, He will answer us. And when He answers, we must be ready to listen and pay attention to His Word and instructions for our lives.

When we talk to God daily, our faith is built. Faith comes by hearing and hearing the word of God. When the Word of God comes to us, it builds faith in us and helps us to grow in our relationship with Him. God is not religious. He is more moved by the state of our hearts, our motives, and reasons for doing things than the things we do. When our heart is right, then our lives will become right before God. God deals with us so that we can become good representatives of Him on earth. The world is in dire need of Jesus and without his presence on earth, the enemy will have a field day. The enemy desires to thwart the purposes of God for our lives. But because God loves us so much, He has given us Jesus Christ and even the Holy Spirit to guide us through life so that we can fulfill God’s purposes for our lives.

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