If you can dream it up, you can dream it down. If you can think it up, you can think down. That is why you have to be careful whom you are with. If you bring it up, it means you are going to bring it down, and it cannot come down unless you brought it up. Therefore, whatever I want to show up in my life, I start thinking it up. When I start thinking it up, then I start thinking it down. That is the law of circulation. Whatever you have been thinking up, dreaming up, bringing up, that is the sum total of your life.

Are you not glad that destiny is not a chance but a choice? You are co-creators with God, and you create your own reality. You carve your own life, and reality, out of the set of circumstances that you choose. When you are tired of that particular drama in your life, you close the curtain, fade the theater to black, open it up, and come back to a fresh new set, because you were able to think it up, so you thought it down. You create every scene in your life, good or bad.I will rebuke the devourer for your sakes and he shall not destroy the fruits of your ground; neither shall your vine cast her fruit before the time in the field, saith the Lord of hosts.

And all nations shall call you blessed: …


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What dream is God reminding you of today?