When we read the Word of God – the Bible – how do we take it in? How do we understand it? When we read it, how do we respond to what is written? We should have a good grasp as this will greatly affect how we perceive the word of God.
Enrollment is a conversation that induces action. Enrollment is the result of “showing” people a larger possibility for themselves (Selman, 2007).
Enrolling people to a specific idea is to make them see a bigger picture of themselves and their future.
We can say that this is one of the things God is really good at – enrolling people – making them see a bigger picture of themselves or of what is going to happen.
Prophecy is a powerful tool of enrollment, wherein God enrolls His people into the possibility that He wants to open up for their lives.
Won’t it benefit you to allow God to enroll you into a new possibility? Sign up for this FREE Course and experience the Power of Prophecy to open up your mind to what God is doing in your life right now.
What is God enrolling you to SEE or to DO today?